What would be your name yall ? lil failed suicide attempt for me (image totally related)
How many primos do you reckon I could get from exploring these regions?
Hope this helps
??? whats happening i dont get it?
does anyone else have a favourite nail
minus 1000pts sa langit pag tumawa ka
I don’t even care about the story, I’m just here for the art [I Woke Up as the Ugly Duckling]
Paying 200K for a degree worth it ?
Why do you play your main?
One Manhwa you would never recommend ever and why?
Your birth month, Your character. You get them and go on a date with them on Valentine's...
Phase 1 starts this week. Friendly reminder that Yumemizuki will be on the default banner. Save for Phase 2
Do you really hate Ajaw?
Russian pink-nude gel mani 🌷
Started a food roast with a German
"Lady Baby" Season 9 Cover
[Be the Actor] is it worth reading?
Egg heist
Should I wait a week?
How to cut gel x properly?
Celestia representer over here, Ask me anything about Celestia/Heavenly Principles and I'll pretend to answer (I don't know anything)
Listahan ng mga hindi iboboto.
I developed an allergy!