What is your summer job? or side hustle on the cape?
Parking ticket in Puerto Rico while using a rental car
Do you have a hobby?
what lashes are these? There either YY lashes, hybrids or russians.
How does social media affect you?
AIO for cutting him off?
I got cheated on. I wish i was dead
My mum's (63F) fragrance collection.
What are the things y'all hate the most about lash extensions?
recommended lash type
What is the significance of the age difference between partners after 21 years ?¿
Staying in Hyannis
What do you think? First time getting extensions today
Locked myself (29F) with my boyfriend's (30M) phone in the bathroom as a joke and his reaction has left me shaken up. What do i do?
Is it worth it to get a suite vs balcony room?
What is the lowest interest rate you have gotten on a car?
Premade vs. Handmades.. Advice please!!
What are my options? Am I crazy?
Lashes falling out
drop your cruise date
Is Carnival cruise credit card worth it?
First timer help?
Why did Pink Taco permanently close on Miami Beach????