Ghormeh sabzi with reduced oil?
Is anyone near St. Louis and looking to buy some PlusLife cards?
Scientists doing interesting COVID/long COVID/antiviral research?
Mitoquinone mesylate as post-exposure prophylaxis against SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Has everyone heard this yet?
Thanks City Streets - Love, A Sidewalk Pedestrian
Non-dairy substitute for sweetened condensed milk in key lime pie
My most cursed balanced centrifuge yet
How do y'all feel about 20-somethings posting about having dementia in this sub?
Odium made my gloves, should I be worried
How does North Carolina handle snow better than St. Louis?
Nikon ND2 files not opening properly
Respiratory combo tests (COVID/flu/RSV/etc.)
"Intranasal antihistamines may prevent Long-COVID"
#1 Tip: Wear a mask in crowds
Ordered an Amazon package to a FamilyMart. How do I pick it up?
Weekly Help and Discussion Thread for the week of December 02, 2024
Recommendations for rest during COVID
Can I install a second eSIM on my AT&T Galaxy S24+?
Xpost from r/ATT: Can I install a second eSIM on my AT&T Galaxy S24+?
Xpost from r/ATT: Can I install a Japanese eSIM on my U.S.-purchased AT&T Galaxy S24+?
What happened to r/JewishAntiZionism?
The color of your mask
Double typing on host