Why don’t modern movies look this beautiful anymore?
Do you guys consider this game cannon?
How long does it take Abilify to hit?
Numerology Reading
I messed up my semester big time, already low gpa, what do I do?
An interesting visualization of REBAL
Yin Yang represents a double torus
Nothings happening to me (Christian perspective)
Why would God allow evil and injustice?
Got this from Facebook. Accurate or not?
Who is the bad guy in history who isn't actually a bad guy?
I underwent the process of becoming The Christ and I want to share with you what you'll be experiencing in your upcoming lives and into Eternity.
Questions to Enlightenment: Woke up and I felt like writing some questions that have helped me. It turns out I already numbered up to 33, so that’s how many questions I wrote. I wrote this in under 30 minutes.
Free Tarot Readings Open
This is a parallel reality. I SHIFTED
It’s been nearly 3 years and I still think removing being able to view dislikes is one of the worst moves they ever made
today is my birthday
Limerence vs something more
Where can I go that is like a church, temple, or mosque but for spiritual people?
A reader said I’d get an angry outburst, I laughed. Next day I got one 😂
Your wish is my command.
I’m deaf in one ear, will the tapes work?
Give me a Kanye song and I'll tell you what your biggest strength is
Yup, a synchronicity so specific I believe FULLY
Anyone notice a weird correlation: schizophrenics usually believe they’re Jesus