Did you know that Turkey had a prime minister of Armenian origin in the past?
Türk olmak zordur yeğen
mansur yavaş: "cumhurbaşkanlığı adaylığımı günü gelince değerlendireceğim” kararımı, bu hukuksuzluk ortadan kalkana kadar askıya alacağımı da kamuoyuna ilan ediyorum
Wait... You're Not a Baluchi Nationalist Yet?! 🎶 Greece ❤️ Baluchistan ❤️ Israel ❤️ Kurdistan ❤️
What’s something a Turk 🇹🇷 would never say ? 🤔
Isparta'da eğitim gören Somali'li askerler arasında çıkan kavga sonucu 24 asker yaralandı. İkisinin sağlık durumu kritik. Kavgaya müdahale eden askerlerimizden de hafif şekilde yaralananlar oldu
Azerbaijan-Armenia peace talks succesfully ended. Parties accepted draft Agreement. What do you think?
What’s something a Saudi Arabian would never say?! 🤔
New leader of ummah 😍😍 thoughts?
Turk == Greek = European == white
Turkey is EU’s 5th largest trade partner
Stuff like this is how I recognized just how inhumane Zionism is
lsraeIi soldiers are exposing their genitals at checkpoints because of course they are.
Israeli soldiers are exposing their genitals at checkpoints because of course they are.
French state media is blaming their eggs shortage (??) on Ramadan and Muslims.
Whats goin on between Syria and Lebanon ?
Most sane mountain Turk in this sub
Thoughs on EU and EU should cooperate more with MENA countries?
Erdogan told Trump that Turkey supports his "decisive and direct initiatives" to end the war
Libyan authorities killed a Sudanese refugee
Thoughts on Gamal Abdel-Nasser?
Thoughts on aura farming?
They got it all wrong. We're all downvoting "Turkey bad" posts, even the greeks.
The difference between the two subs.
every turk is born a soldier saar
saar turgay back to mongolia saar
What are your opinions on Turkish leader Erdoğan.