Did Del & Rodney come up with 'Lost'?
Can we chat about The Last of Us?
Which is the better film?
Underrated game?
When buying half a season was a big deal
Who used to watch this show?
Name one thing PS3 does better than modern consoles
What's the first movie you think of when you see this legend
RIP the talented Michelle Trachtenberg. You were an excellent addition to an already beloved cast.
Man anyone remember these orange VHS tapes
Who are your personal heroes of film that most young people today won't even know
What are people's honest thoughts on the BBC
I still hope that one day we'll see it return 🙏
What film would have failed with any other actor?
What's a brilliant performance from an actor known more for their looks?
East Renfrewshire has gone way downhill, and charging people more for the privilege. Hate it.
Which non human shaped cartoon would you marry in a heartbeat
The reason I don't move on from PS3.
I love the slight vulnerability Ryan brings to Wade when he's maskless. For a guy who people say is the same in every role, he really nails the two sides of DP.
Which film set in Batman universe are you confident you're never going to watch
Weirdest Hulk moment?
Which actor walked away from a film/franchise because of artistic integrity?
I tried the Frasier reboot but it just didn't measure up. They should have updated the format, or made it funny.
Was it actually Faith who began Spike's obsession?