Does a striker fired 9mm for CCW and an AR-15 for home cover all self defense needs?
Armed protest fit
First injection, Did i do it wrong?
Please critique my kit
Anyone have experience with KAK rifles? Or AR reccomendations.
As a trans CCW instructor in Oklahoma the phrase "fuck you in particular" come to mind...
Is this average grouping for p365 25yrds
AR Parts recommendations
Served 26.5 Years. Lost Teammates. Seen Some Shit. VA Says ‘30% PTSD
Poverty loadout minus my assault pack
This Australia politician lays it out clear and straightforward.
SSA website LGBQ update
The Second Burning of the Hirschfeld Institute
GRMS clubs?
I'm mtf trans and I have accidentally "converted" every boy I have dated
Why are citizens of the USA not doing anything against what is currently happening?
estrogen by injection and taking progesterone are both too risky according to my doctor (????)
The Blade Bar in Edom calling out local nazis
“Zip tie your bed back together”
How "necessary" is a license?
U.S. troops activated to support Migrant Detention Operations in Guantanamo
What are yall’s favorite fud lore/ gun myths
EO: Nationwide BAN on care under 18
Trump's second day of golfing in a row. Each round cost taxpayers approximately $1 million. This time he brought the entire House GOP for a three day excursion to one of his resorts, all on your dime.