just yes and I'll send u my nudes
Quoted $150 for a brim reshaping
Wb mewtwo adding 5-10 lvl 35+
Tapu bulu on me taking ten
Tapu Lele 8866 6203 8974
Zekkkkroommm anyone?
Zekrom Raid On Me…..
Zekrom on me 9190 2056 9184
Zekrom on me be online
Zekrom WB 9541 0105 9705 adding 10
Zekrom raid on me, will add 10 people, add 4224 0209 8580
ZEKROM ON ME 0485 1151 1302
Zekrom on me 9884 4843 0236
Zekrom adding 10 6455 0110 5484
Giratina 7 min left I’ll try to take 10 TC:0046 7033 5378
Palkia on me 6547 0198 3998 PUT USERNAME BELOW and BE ONLINE
Regigigas Raid on me First five. 1929 2520 5828
Add me to be invited to all 26 raids that I have for raid hour
Two mewtwo raids on me 0281 1574 9981 lvl 39
Mewtwo raid on me please join
Mewtwo raid on me 8208 1447 2416
Anyone in the Glendora San dimas la Verne area. Want to do some Trades?
1213 4294 4351 laitas raid comment name and level
Latios 35Lv up, 4116 2081 0912 plz3
Hosting weather Boosted Entei Raid Add 9223 2338 2493 and comment your username for invite