What's better typing on keyboard or on phone?
Happy Chinese New Year
What's a good dog breed for a first dog?
Jacob would've got booed out the building if he attacked John
Jacob's intrusive thoughts almost got to him and wanted to clothesline John
Royal Rumble Winners! Thoughts??
How does wolverine get through tsa while at the airport?
Who is the most wasted talent in WWE?
Top Gilf models, no order
Threesomes you wanted to see, but the site never gave to us?
What does he drive?
Tell me your favourite wrestler
How do ya'll feel about tiktok being banned?
Real ‘moms’?
Slept on
Which MOM would you Hump the brains out of, if given the chance or opportunity??
The potential pregnancy? of Kimber
Rate the room rate the room XD would y'all come over to hangout in here? <:
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