I have a "good" WFH job and I still fucking hate it
Can I prepare a bunch of plenny shakes and freeze them in ziplock bags?
Desperate for relief. Can anyone please look at my OSCAR data and provide any suggestions?
Had anyone tried a digeridoo?
Do most people hate life or is it just a reddit bias?
What’s the best, non-sexual physical sensation there is?
Acute Interstitial Nephritis?
Best doctor to order in-person sleep study in NYC?
Is there a subreddit for the opposite of "glowup" or "BlunderYears" where people post their glowdowns?
I don't like my nose
Rkeat - BAFOON
What does my fridge say about me
Anyone feel worse on rainy/wet days?
Genuine question about artists like David Löhlein
Is there anyway to do polyrythms on the Aira P6?
Will the Aira P6 ever have samples per pattern? Or is it a hardware limitation?
How do you record your Volca Sample and how can use your music to jam later?
Do binders work?
Increasing Tolerance to Exposure
How can I become less sensitive and reactive to mold?
Would you rather live in China or Japan?
I want to do QA for free
Is Penetration Testing really a part of QA?
Rug suggestions