Concert Attire
Merch too tight even at the biggest size?
Hot Take: I don’t find Ed Helms funny, like at all.
Anyone else get this?
Name a good film with a sequel so terrible, that you refuse to acknowledge as existing.
What’s the weirdest combination of opening act and main event in a concert you attended?
Typical view of concerts now.
Best UL album solo?
What movie had a scene that received the loudest cheering reaction, when you saw it in theaters?
Which rock band has the best live performance?
What cancelled concerts were you supposed to attend?
Pokemon plz no lawsuit
Gecko no longer eating…
Apology for what?
Is she..?
who is the most wise rapper that has ever came across your ears, in your opinion
Thoughts on Dr Julian Rush?
New Pokemon for Christmas !!
Name your best and worst experience meeting a famous lead singer or band.
Guys? Quick question. What the fuck is?
I am proud of Grant for defending Candice when the show was coming out. I'm glad she stood up to the fans and stayed till the end.
3 shinies to end the eevee week !
I found this today didn't think they existed in the wild anymore.
What’s your most expensive card?
Rate my 2024 concerts