What tests can I conduct on someone that’ll reveal how they generally feel about me (e.g. whether they like/dislike me, or find me entertaining/annoying)
What tests can I conduct on someone to know how they generally feel about me (e.g. whether the like/dislike me, or find me entertaining/annoying)
What tests can I conduct on boys that will reveal how they feel about me? (e.g whether they like/dislike me or find me entertaining/annoying)
What tests can I conduct on someone that’ll reveal how they feel about me (e.g. whether they like/dislike me, find me entertaining/annoying)
What good questions to ask someone that will reveal who they actually are?
Why do we often like to ignore the obvious signs of disinterest?
How do I stop liking someone?
What does his body language indicate? He is engaged in conversations but his actions show the opposite
My crush’s body language
Why do guys not approach me?
Tell me what you see and I'll tell you your type
drop a comment, I will review your post history and INSULT you🎩
Can women beat men in running/sprinting?
The bullying on Imane Khelif is too much
Wanting to leave the UK when I'm 18
Is my hair good