PlayStation Plus Monthly Games for February: Payday 3, High on Life, Pac-Man World Re-Pac
Since we all posting schedules
I admit i have never done a full rewatch of this show
Light hate is getting out of control, dude threw away the whole game because he had lights in his team
what are some dream collabs you would instantly cop?
Favorite random NPC voicelines you've heard driving/roaming around?
What do you guys listen to when playing The Witness?
what are the most coolest missions in the game?
One thing you love, one thing you hate
Cyberpunk 2077 x Fortnite Via iFireMonkey
Giveaway] $100 PSN Gift Card - US Store
Why tf do people not wanna play this game i am so sad rn i js hope the game doesnt end up shutting down
Feeling burned out.
Just clicked with me why Oz took the money
Help! Ps5 or Ps4?
Equip a Perk Deck???
[PC] [maybe 2010s?] First person spy game where you’re on some type of yacht. A wine glass is involved
What is your favourite line from any character ?
The Penguin - S01E06 - Gold Summit - Episode Discussion
Daily Item Shop and Purchase Advice Megathread (2024-10-21)
The Penguin - S01E05 - Homecoming - Episode Discussion
Please help me understand S4 jokes
This is Art the Clown, isn’t it?
looking for movies like the recent “Wolfs” with Brad Pitt & George Clooney
why was falcone even at the mayors funeral?