"There is no such thing as failure, there is just giving up too soon."
If (if) You had $7k which would you buy?
F options
New trader help and just general info to help anyone who cares to read
I turned $1k into $87k with LOGI using sell and roll, and am now going YOLO on AMD.
A Oi saiu ganhando o dia hoje (11/3/21h com 13%
and we begin our day (3/11/21) ... more green than red. Lets keep it there. Happy trading folks
e dia da comeca assiimmmm no verde. Sera que fica? (11/3/21) 09:31
I built an integrated social-financial tool and noticed a bunch of people were using it to buy options
AMC options 🚀
Interesting finish (3/10/21)
O dia (10/3/21) por aqui terminou interessante.... e o seu, teve algum ganho significativo?
Interesting finish (3/10/21) what were your big wins today?
Interesting finish (3/10/21) end of trading day
Help a brother out.... I’m now accepting donations from y’all filthy rich crazy apes 💪🦍🦍
Abertura 10/3/21 .... começou bem
You know when you wake up and look at pre-market?! Yep!!
Sera que a linha segura hoje?
13371337 update
Much better today 3/9/21 than last week phewwwww
Dia hoje(9/3/21) acabou assim.... beeeemmm melhor que semana passada
Doideira ... Roblox vai ao mercado valendo $30B .......... o mais brilhante grupo de gammers no muuunddoooooo
Who’s celebrating ?? What’s your biggest winner?
Fala aí meu .... como foi o dia?