Hirsutism Hell
Electrologist said I can’t shave
How do you get over being insecure?
Recommendations of London hairdressers who can deal with curly hair?
Doctors dont want to prescribe metformin
Skin care
now tv have now made it impossible to contact them
[SPOILER] buddy is the best character
Post electrolysis recovery
Had my First Session, is this a Red Flag?
Book recommendations
Facial hair
Yellow scabs, help!
New to electrolysis,seeking advice
the mental toll of electrolysis
Hi guys! I’m just wondering is there any professional electrolysis here from the uk or anyone know of someone, I’m wanting to get treatment done. Thank you!
Pick a number 1-227 and I’ll give you that Bjork song
The ending scene of the last episode was unintentionally hilarious (SPOILERS)
The finale just broke me.
Is this level of scabbing normal??