Case, Mobo, PSU swap Aurora R13
It ain’t stupid if it works?
What kind of gun is this (wrongs answers only)
The mist
It is me, or the Pelican-1 is really small. Is that a dual cockpit (pilot + gunner)? How do you get a pilot in there?
Wtf with samsung odyssey neo G9
What am I missing
Sony is selling a melevon creek medal looks cool.
No display showing
Im a snek
Someone asking if you're JohnHelldiver is very flattering
Is this gonna be a problem?
Music to my ears!
Its Happening!!!!
Lucky me
Would you buy Hogwarts Legacy for an extra 550 points?
HELP! I made a mistake
I laughed my ass off
What's the best weapon in the game today?
If you could have a what if series or explore different events for Red Dead 2 what would they be ?
War is Beautiful
War is beautiful
What's a movie you love but can't deny is incredibly stupid?
Parasites paralyze the snail and attract attention so that is eaten by a bird. The parasite uses the bird as a host to grow in it's digestive tract.