when the luck finally kicks in
My First kavat is cataclysm and then it became headless
Real (Also Invincible is peak)
not a meme but he’s cute af
Mmmm~ Crayon
Terry’s back!
So I’ve played The New War for the first time last night and…
Do you shoot from far away or use melee to crush your enemies?
Shadow Wisp
I Wonder how wisp would look like in her protoframe version.
I need a box cutter to open the box cutter I bought
I am going to kill you
I seriously honestly don't understand what everyone is so angry about.
Also the superior chasis for a 3rd core
What is this?
No reason…
This is an Avengers level threat
"I've seen things you wouldn't believe"
Let’s review “The infinite buses trick”
He is definitely having fun🤣🤗🤣