Holly’s Kids
Holly 🩵
Holly's Wealth
Latest Ep: Holly's reference to "templates" of behavior when winning something?
Mary O’Connor
What am I missing?
Goodbye and no feelings
[DISCUSSION] Level Up Slumber Party: Juiciest Playboy Memoir Ever Edition
Teachers: How Are Students Really Thinking About College?
Gifts teachers actually want
Advice for parents?
Vegas Residency
What’s evidence makes you think l you know what happened?
Katie from Best Life & Beyond: Weight Loss
Evidence Patsy Wrote The Note
A real problem with this case is that it’s hard to feel sure about anything. What is the one thing that you feel most certain of in this case? What’s the hill you’re willing to die on?
Evidence Burke Did It
GND fan
“Well you get to spoil your child because you only have one…”
Does anyone Just not feel the “pull” to have another ?
How many of us are still good parents?
My theory: “Dexter” did it
Gen Z and body image
Lost friendship…?