Just an fyi
I didn't know there were homophobic/intolerant Gravity Falls "fans" here.
Blizzard of '78
Who doing all the work?
Daughter is obsessed with princesses.
I was hoping Pacifica was in the northwest. Unfortunately it is in the SOUTHwest.
Non-Orthodox in SoCal looking for a mikvah?
Why Gen X Women Are Having the Best Sex
I wish
Biggest human poop is from a viking. Found in York, England in 1972 at 20cm long
“So, I asked this girl out, and she refused to go on a date to any of the 28 locations I suggested. It must be that she’s stubborn about location, I can’t think of any other reason she kept saying ‘no’ to me”
Are seal point and Siamese the same thing?
Just been diagnosed for BD with Trauma triggers
Mediocrity is ok, actually. Stop comparing yourself to others
The Sea Grunks run into some Lovecraft - Fancomic (by @artdoingdan)
Parents with adhd how do u not forget your child?
Kuiper has been loving all the Colorado snow!
Can anyone relate to not having a sense of identity?
What do you like most about yourself?
I (used to) have a strange “imposter syndrome” with my diagnosis.
Two weeks before My birthday, I told him I wanted an ice cream cake and some flowers
It's okay Stan, I also cry whenever I have to study physics
The hedonism of western society is so sickening