Roses are red, as you can see
If you can imagine it, you can achieve it
Are epic cards worth to max?
[REQUEST] Not sure if this fits the sub but why doesn’t this work?
It's a arrow.... of course it is!
I don't have friends, I got FAMILY
Feel free :)
I will reveal the code when it gets guessed/the time is over :)
Blursed cookies
It took a full month of saving and 13.7B coins. But that second BH looks so beautiful
Does the unique-effect pf ACP apply to all sources of dmg? (Especially wondering about BH dmg)
Dinosaurous didn't extinct?
Any1 else has this bug?
My first 1B run
Is the coin-multiplyer of DW applied for multiple DWs?
Is the UW shop full random?
What is wrong with my succulent? Are those roots?
Raves in Berlin?
haha I can't wait to read these!
I just want to be the prettiest slut you see today
I know they’re small but are they enough for you?
Anything I could have done differently here?