I submitted my cat Chica (18, 19 this June) to be featured in a cat calender and she was selected.
Online vs Reality check
Oliver and Lana only shared a few scenes together and had good chemistry, if Lex wasn’t with Lana….maybe a pairing or partnership?
I hope you all enjoy this meme.
A Cursed Photo
Since yall liked my Lois edit enjoy a chloe one too 😍
What are some minor continuity mistakes that you've spotted in episodes rewatching the series now?
Help for Jessy as she fights cancer 💪
The witchcraft arc was so fun
Clark Luthor (Season 10, Episode 10)
Day 9: horrible person hated by fans
Made an edit for Lois lovers 😍
S6E13 Crimson
I thought some of yall might appreciate this edit I made
Some silly fresh baked OC for you folks
You know you're obsessed when you're having dreams about watching the show
Fried rice, eggs and spam made with sesame oil
Just saw this posted on Tom's official facebook. Genius 💯
Day 8: morally grey, hated by fans.
FINEST man ever.
Am I the only one who doesn't give a care on the shipping?
Day 7: good person, loved by fans.
Help me take my senior cat to the cardiologist