Florida man vs current cosmo
People are always Sandro this and Daro that but let's not forget man behind the curtain. Kobayashi Sho, our editor.
Would you rather
How is Rolon thinking this while unconscious? I bet hes like “uurrgjh uuum hamburger” inside his mind not that
What Kengan Hot take makes you think like this when you first read it ?
How come this guy got the Absolute Best fight in the entirety of Omega… followed by the Absolute Worst fight in ALL of Kengan?
Do you all think the Kaolang came close to defeating Kanoh or no?
Fellow detectives, it's March 11th! Have you removed the dead body from the tree, yet? Or are you still puking your guts out?
How far would Ohma and Setsuna get in the KAT if they swapped secret techniques (aka Advance and Fallen Demon)
i cant unsee it…
Would you rather be the only person at your office/classroom/workplace that is naked, or the only person who has clothes on?
The tanks have had one of the roughest run’s I’ve ever seen things just don’t go well for them
Do you agree with this?
What is a TBoI quote that goes hard?
Is hayami stronger than meguro?
I feel sorry for this guy…
Thoughts after reading 50 chapters of Kengan Ashura.
How far does “el cucaracho” get in purgatory’s line up
If Kanoh survived this, does this means that he'd not be KO'd by stardrop?
This is the same man that push Agito to the brink…
Remember when Kuroki was the strongest character but top tiers could still put a good fight against him? Then Shen came along who is just fifty billion times stronger then every character combined. I love power creep.
The newest chapter shows why I hate Ohma now and much prefer Koga. Ohma should never have come back his story ended long ago.
Kengan Omega Ch. 298 (Comikey)
Who in Convist Colosseum is the greatest aura farmer?
Kengan vs Purgatory but its a TWERK OFF...who you got for each match?