Enamorous on now 3584 1864 9463
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Need one more sun card to complete the collection 9358 6985 5195
Thunderous on now will take 10
Blacephalon raid one plus one local in a party
Looking for friends for gifts and raids
Daily gift openers wanted. Best friend XP fast!
Tape lele on now will invite 10 each code
2 x primal Groupon on now
Primal Kyogle on now
Postcards and how to use them
How to create a gym in India
Finally I got one!!!
Meag lat on now can take 20 or more
Help me to understand everything (Last Time Played 2016)
I'm probably one of the first people to see a wild shiny annihilape, so thats pretty cool
Raging Battles
AUS owners 7plus on VIDAA?
I need gifts on both accounts!
Sitting in hospital waiting room for likely awhile - have 40 gifts and plenty a poke stop in range. Add me if you want a free gift 673498315752
6 more raids to go, I’m so close to the master ball!
Virizion on now will take 10
Please give the other person a chance to claim the friend XP before you delete them🥲
Darkrai on now can take 10 each