What does FGO mean for the FSN timeline?
Anyone think we'll ever get a PHH Kukulkan with what her profile is like?
The last video game you played is now your sex life. What is it?
If you were to participate in a Holy Grail War, what is the Servant of specific Class are you summoning for?
And just like that, I have lost all respect for him (LB7)
Does quick effectivness directly affect crit drop rate?
Does the servants star gen % get added to the base quick star gen rate?
2nd bond 10 LETS GO😭... she'd not retired just yet, time for bond 11
What's the difference between the Emiyas Holy grail wars?
Moriarty when I fucking. find. you (Traum and LB7)
I’m screaming rn
I ain’t giving up…I will bring you home
This is the ONLY NPC servant we need made playable
What's the general consensus on how good Tlaloc is?
I need yall to bless me PLEASE I need KuKu😭🙏
You guys play any other Gacha game besides FGO?
Anyone know the base magnification for the SVD?
From now on, Goredolf is a threat to humanity. He has his own army and you must stop him. Which servant would you summon ?
How the fronk is she not animal trait😭
I got a spoiler for the game and I just lost all desire to play it... I feel really bad.
Can someone clarify this whole "FGO story is ending" thing for me
So I just started part 2, and with all those Jargons being thrown around, I'm a bit confused. Can someone simplify the part 2 prologue?
What would Fetch Failnaught look like in an actual servant battle?
Does rising of the shield hero get better again?