Citadel 13 Filing Debunk. It's just 428 Billion. Sorry guys
💻🐍 Market Maker Signals Today 2023-01-03 🐍💻 Chart link in comments
My 'Darkpool' trades seem to be a hot topic this week, let's talk.
Update on the weird prices, 'glitch' from the 25th and broker response.
Uhm.. You'll wanne look at this. prices go up, SPY, GME, VXX, even DB. Help me figure this out.
So you’re telling me GameStop is going for $1.3M per share in the dark pools, but Citadel’s & Virtu’s synthetic printers will sell me a share for ~$19? And I can directly register it under my name then sell it back to a short who NEEDS it for whatever price I want? This shit too easy 😭🚀
Dark Pools are one hell of a funny thing.
GME borrow fee was 2000% today?! :o
All IBKR's GME CTB Rate changes from today. Even from when they didn't have shares. Chart Included
Some weird ass exchanges I haven't seen before?
So... wtf I am looking at ??? some smooth ape here ??.
Synthetic Prime Brokerages, Ortex Borrows, & Hiding from Balance Sheets
The Borrowed Shares we saw from Ortex are Real. Let me show you with their own words "There is no indication that some provider was intentionally providing false data for GME"
u/ORTEX_official is now mass deleting comments from their profile.
An Update Regarding Intraday Lending and Short Interest Data From October
Error: Can’t buy GME on CHASE SDB - ask is at $18,700 per share.
IBKRs TWS just said GS2C will be having a new trading schedule for trading date Saturday 10/1! uh..? Trading on saturday?
So uh.. 1.3M per share? Yeah I just had that again. "glitches, right"
XRT is back on Reg Sho Threshold list as of 9/21
Daily crime: down to 8$ for a millisec. Wakey wakey FBAaaaiii
Fidelity is showing 78.28% Short Percentage
Fintel is wrong. Mason Capital Did NOT increase their position with 2376.82%.
Deep Dive: Manipulative Single Stock ETFs & The REX Short GME ETF
Yo who spent 105 million on SPY at 10 dollars over the asking price at 12:53 EST??? 😲(possible manipulation, asking for DD in comments)
Pretty sure retail isn't making those market orders in the thousandths place.