Internes Memo der US-Regierung: Trump plant Einreisebeschränkungen für 41 Staaten
Statue of Liberty, Paris, 1884
Students in Serbia stopped this horror. Planned mass killing by the government
Studenti su sprečili krvoproliće koje je bilo planirano.
Hello European friends! Love from 🇨🇦
People have been making charts and diagrams. I thought I’d help out…
Which shoes would be better for tennis
What is that nice looking car in the top of the picture? Location is armenia, if that helps. Year should be around 1991.
Heute gesehen
More anti American stickers coming up across Europe. This is from The Netherlands
Red Bull - European but Far right
Militärische Aufrüstung .. Übersicht von Firmen
Sonic weapon being used on serbian protesters in Belgrade, during 15 minute silence for 15 people who died when canopy of Main Train Station in Novi sad collapsed
Rheinmetall Ende Mai 1800€
Trying EU brands that I've never bought before!
Protest in front of the Serbian Parliament right now
Kako pratiti proteste?
What are your recommendations on public services with quality content besides ARTE?
The weekend comes and we drink EU
N26 Investieren
Salzburg: Why have our European Brands a bad position in the shelves?
I am ready to invest in Europe
Bank Wien- halbes Grillhendl mit Semmelbärlauchfülle, Kartoffelsalat, griechischer Bauernsalat+Brokkoli und hartgekochte Eier- 4,60€ ca
German troops annexed Austria on this day in 1938
Fassade mit Kriegsspuren
French Senator speech is sensational