Everybody claiming they have a twin flame
Hairloss after losing virginity
Have you ever felt a desperate desire to be with a certain person (sexually and romantically) but knew you never could? I’m not talking about a celebrity, lol!
What would you do differently next time to make things work better?
People who "know the whole city", how did you do it?
You are now an expert in the last thing you googled. What is your expertise?
What movie title is instantly improved by adding "in my ass" to the end?
The closest orange object is the cause of your death - how do you die?
Which videogame has your favourite soundtrack?
If instead of rebooting movies, retelling them from a different point of view became popular, which movie would you like retold?
I'm really vibin doe 😳
What’s the first song you’d play if your ww3 tank had Bluetooth?
Only dream that comes true
A thank for everything
You're never fully dressed without a smile!💉
did you ever just start writing
Umm that’s not how percentages work
This is normal.
What’s wrong?..
Bester Döner in Pforzheim?
i literally did all my chores when i was asked and i was still grounded, i actually can’t anymore
Daily Discussion Post - 2020-02-29 | Questions, images, videos, comments, unconfirmed reports, theories, suggestions (Weibo / social media/ unverified YouTube videos)