What did you do?
Therapist Life Motto
What’s a quote or insight that has stuck with you?
Oddly specific reasons for loving online sessions
Book for therapist new to the new field?
What’s some brutally honest advice all new therapist should know?
Resources thread - what helped you improve your therapeutic skills?
Book Recommendations for Counselling/Psychotherapy?
What books do you recommend every therapist have on their shelf?
What books made you a better therapist?
Help a brother
Erotic transference
Child free womem
Something from grad school that has stuck with you?
Do you ever feel like there's too much media in general?
Client died by suicide and I am devastated
What is your “fake career” that you tell people who don’t need to know you are a therapist?
What’s something you do in your personal life because you’re a therapist that people in other professions might find unusual?
What happens when we die?
Best practices/disciplines that set a young therapist up for longterm success? Both clinical and personal success!
What are some thoughts/beliefs you have on mental health that would land you here👇🏾
When Freud said:
Over-Saturated Colors And Gamification Everywhere
Would you go on your client's podcast as a guest?
27 years in therapy