First time vette owner. Picked this up Wednesday. Now I just have to wait 2 months until I can drive it when the snow melts.
Is 35,527 minutes of Tool a lot?
Osprey Suppressed Prodigy
Finally put an Osprey on the Prodigy.
Finally put an Osprey on the Prodigy
Guys were dredging the pond today for balls and came across this Dunlop ball from the 1920s that must have been uncovered by the flood a month ago.
My favorite part of golf is when we search for a ball and I’m the one that finds it. I feel like a hero.
Samsung OLED G9 49'' detected but wont turn on, no menu either.
Restocked on Amazon Prime day. 90 cans of White Zero Ultra Monster. This is my only fridge.
Are there plans to release Battlefield Earth on 4k blu ray? It’s my favorite movie.
I played in a 4-man scramble with a former D1 women's college player the other day. Here's how it went.
Proof the story was real.
So here’s a short Miata story.
When I was in high school I wanted to win the Districts tournament.
The glow makes it sound better.
IS anyone else planning on edging during the eclipse and cumming at the moment of totality to have a celestial orgasm in tune with the cosmos?
Ia anyone else planning on edging during the eclipse and cumming at the moment of totality to have a celestial orgasm in tune with the cosmos?
The best part about having a stereo like this is that no one except internet strangers care.
Figured I’d add a Q-Anon coin to the meme coin collection. Trump will make this legal tender if he wins.
Goddamn Shit The Bed
In an alternate universe.
Can anyone tell me a good tune for all kinds of music all stock speakers single cab Silverado
Does anyone else stamp their initials into their American Silver Eagles so you know its yours if it ever gets stolen?
What‘s your favorite track to listen for testing new gear equipment???