What to do with 15 lbs of extra Gyro meat?
+2 Grey owners, how do you emulate a floppy drive?
Idaho man accused of using soup barcode hidden in ring for Walmart theft scheme
SUN Workstation Ultra 20 M2
SCO floppies
Can I do anything here besides guessing?
murder investigation movies which happens in a group inside a house? like Knives Out and girl with dragon tattoo.
Keyboard boards!
Can we talk about Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (2005)?
Great news for the Leading Edge, Its alive!
A vida é feita de escolhas difíceis
A friend gave me an original Fairlight cassette. My first original Spectrum game in 30+ years
ZX spectrum 2, video output and other basic questions
What was YOUR first computer?
Took apart the broken PSU of a PC and this is the only suspicious component. Is it the culprit? I'd guess so.
Songs where they say the band name in the lyrics. It's like the moment in a movie where they say title (half points for album names)
SparcStation 4, Worth the $$ and Effort?
Retro collection