European favourability of the USA falls
En España 9% de los nacimientos involucra tecnologías de reproducción asistida, la proporción más alta de Europa
What share of births involve assisted reproductive technologies like IVF?
“Cool” years are now hotter than the “warm” years of the past
Hard-right parties are now Europe’s most popular
Interactive map showing where US firms paid bribes according to penalties under the now paused FCPA (data 1977-2020)
The twin baby boom
Almost everybody in Bangladesh has gained access to electricity
Rwanda Targets Ubiquitous Gasoline Bikes in Green-Energy Push
China has reduced sulphur dioxide emissions by more than two-thirds in the last 15 years
Norway gives more foreign aid per capita than any other OECD country
Cholesterol levels have declined among American adults partly due to greater use of medication
An interactive timeline of the most iconic infographics
Cartogram comparing the British and Chinese Empires in 1916
How Much Should We Trust Developing Country GDP?
Do people reach 100 by surviving, delaying, or avoiding diseases? A life course comparison of centenarians and non-centenarians from the same birth cohorts
Europe’s crackdown on air pollution found to cut heart disease deaths
Global Robot Density in Factories Doubled in Seven Years
Economic growth 2019-23 relative to the US
Nearly half of teenagers globally cannot read with comprehension
Diatancia de ingresos entre el 10% más rico y el 10% más pobre (después de impuestos)
Africa Holds the Future
Nine African countries where average incomes have more than doubled since 1990
How China Became the World's Largest Car Exporter
The Effects of Combat Deployments on Veterans’ Outcomes