What has quietly disappeared from society without people noticing in the last 10-20 years?
What's your favorite song most people haven't heard of?
Dit maakt mij trots.
Trump threatens 200% wine tariff if EU does not remove whiskey tariff
Elon Musk Loses $29 Billion In A Single Day As Tesla Stocks Crash, He Says 'It Will Be Fine"
Trump says it is illegal to boycott Tesla
Tesla gezeik
Moslimjongeren overwegen te emigreren: ‘Houden meer van Nederland dan ze terugkrijgen’
Potentiële opstelling van Feyenoord tegen Inter, wat denken jullie?
I’m just wondering—are there still Americans who support an American who “just does BBQs” at the frontline in Ukraine?
Bycotting Amazon
Andrew Tate claims he'll never be convicted in his trafficking case because he wipes his phone of evidence every night
I dare you >:3
Setting a terrible example for your children and yourself, Verbally and Physically assaulting a mall cop for no reason and gets tased, Atlanta.
F1TV is up to no good
Can you name the planets of our solar system?
Are they serious about this
Make billionaires millionaires
N.a.v. Trump's tarieven, en geïnspireerd door /r/buyfromEU, kunnen we een lijstje maken met Nederlandse of Europese alternatieven voor Amerikaanse producten/diensten?
RFK Jr. states that measles outbreaks are “common” after first death since 2015.
Wat is jouw eens maar nooit weer auto?
Told my Sister I wanted to pursue physics, this is what they got for my 18th birthday.
Donald Trump starts peddling MAGA caps in Oval Office and RFK Jr fumes in background.
Bombshell report reveals staggering amount of government funds paid to Elon Musk