Which celebrity death during your lifetime that hit you the hardest?
Petition to make ml isolate the Indonesians from the rest of the Asia server
Yeah, ChatGPT can't generate the "exact" photo because it's copyrighted... Definitely not, definitely...
Yamaha CygnusX 125
Dear Diary Thread
Had my first close encounter with a squirrel!
Childhood friend loses his chance
What happened to Innsomenya?
Can someone identify these eggs?
Name someone with the same humor and put them all in the same room.
Epic Hell
Anyone that always adjusts, what heroes are your favorites in every lane?
Who would win Wally West (DC Comics) or Archie Sonic (Archie Comics)
I'm a 300* mage main, AMA
At your Age ano-ano na napundar mo?
Please suggest me some good ideas about how am gonna celebrate my birthday today as an fully introverted guy.
Vedal AI Suspicion
Fucking wasted 8k skill cards on this shit.
Okay, Hands down and congratulations to UNIS and EverAfters
Name that Kpop group with the worst fandom name.
Having one true friend