Anyone else thought this was Goo for a second?
Stupid dumb idiots
RevTeam is no more..
I just found out that castle saroka is now on webtoon
Astra yao mains discord
In all seriousness, when do yall think Lu will be reintroduced back into the main story?
I think I’ll start reading Sakamoto Days for Lu. She’s so cute
Rockstar has killed the Liberty City Preservation project
Gintama 🤝 Sakamoto days
Is Lu Shaotang really an irrelevant character?
This new anime-only seems to be getting a lot of spotlight. Will she get more screen-time and become more relevant to the story later on?
First break week :D
What would happen if lu and kagura met
This made me chuckle
Chat should we apologize or "wait until the anime comes out first"?
Manhwa recommendation
My shantae book has arrived from the mail
My Woozie fanart
I do not want to hear anyone praising the mediocrity we're about to get as an anime adaptation when Gangsta a decade ago looked like this. This is what Sakamoto Days deserve
My book on sal marcano has arrived in the mail today
Just gotten both dvds of the raid recently
My friend showed me this lu shaotang post what do you think
Yall think the author should have just used the fujimoto method and kill Lu off?
My DVD set for the brothers sun has arrived
Would you play a Geomijul spinoff?