What would you have done if you were there?
Tonight a man knocked out a gate agent at IAD
Where are they now? Lance Criminal Motari
Finally finished, Fallout back piece
Aunt just messaged me about her sister in laws grandson in boot.
Ft. Carson Motor Pool 1988
🔥 Extreme winds of up to 83 mph flipped over semis like toys in Texas
Legendary Sniper Shoots Gun Out of Suicidal Man’s Hands "🤯
hurt people.
Mr hands Wilding
Sleeve incident briefing
German Solider tanning rat pelts in the trenches to use as patches to repair uniforms.
wtf is a green glass door??
Finally finished cloning my issued rifle
When the GIs are coming and you accepted your fate
Coworker thought my mug warmer was a charger
Serbian Soldiers with Zastava M19 Rifles chambered in 6.5 Grendel 2023
For Me (Music Video)
Does anybody know what those red triangles on this helmet are?
😇🙏🏾 practiced for 1 hour 30 min straight yesterday for this the next day
Personally, I like to shove my empty mags into my asshole, or perhaps just between the friction of the cheeks.
Why does every airsofter have this
What if the marines made irr folks come back to do an SDA?
Put on AirPods Pro 2, and the World Becomes Quiet and Wonderful Instantly
[BO2] I made a 3d printable model of the KAP-40 , my favorite pistol from Black Ops 2.
Forgot about this gem I found a few years ago
What 8 year old me did to his clones