What's the first car you drove by yourself, legally, on public streets?
Hard work pays off five kids, five college degrees, and one proud dad
high school in the 70s
My ER Visit
Did you have to “write sentences”?
Overheard from my apartment's parking lot
Who can help with how to copy with this printer
Havre de Grace MD
Newby with Domestic Machine
Memorial transfer ignored
Finished in record time
This is such a stupid question but how do you ride the bus?
How was menstruation discussed within your family unit?
RTO for TX State Employees Total Disaster So Far
Elvis has entered Reddit. Did anyone get to see him in person or visit Graceland? I lived in Memphis during his time.
Quilters, what are your current/former professions outside of quilting?
Do you still have your old high school / college yearbooks? Do you look at them very often?
Spices I can read
What names are so old, like as in older than "Elmer," that it's pretty much a guaranteed assumption that everyone with that name has since died of old age?
Finally finished the top & the border…
Rinse and spit
A conversation my nephew and I had yesterday at our last trip to Joann’s
Thank-you notes
My Brothers and Me
My daughter passed away during surgery