Neutron Stock Range Comparison
Wrestling pet peeves thread
Help! Searching For A Specific Video
is there an equivalent plastic to k1 soft?
Does prodigy have a soft and gummy premium plastic?
Got inspired by Broderic
Looking into a PA-5
Discineer giveaway
Clash Discs Spice?
Last disc you got that really helped you "unlock" a shot?
New ESP FLX Thrashers Vs Big Z?
OTB Eclipse Orbital?
Megathread: OTB Open 2024 x MVP Special Releases!
Streamline Jet Vs MVP Orbital
VIP Ice Orbit Underworld?
What is the best spin putting tip that you actually use and it works?
New Champion Plastic?
Friction DG Vs Ultimate Gloves - any difference?
Please help me with a putter?
Westside Anvil/Streamline Runway?
MVP Family Cosmic vs Regular Electron - stability differences?
Nuke OS Vs Concrete Slab
2 discs that changed my life. Well kinda. I still want to roll over and die most days, but at least I have 2 midranges that are pretty rad and aren’t my Drone.
MVP Space Races are awesome, and Watermelon Paradox prize is sweeter <3
Getaway - Best Speed 9 Workhorse?