What is theurgy?
I am not a gnostic per se, though I have gnostic sentiments. This graphic is fascinating in showing the imaginitiveness of the various groups, now believed by scholars to be misnamed.
The Gnostic Cosmos
Some crazy ish this lol
Is Barbara Bush the daughter/son of Aleister Crowley?
Best Occult Music?
Surprise, loser!
I just learned how BTK was caught and there’s no way he could’ve been the focal point of a third season, right?
What a wonderful post I stumbled upon, perfect for World of Witchcraft. "St. Berrihert's Kyle and Well. Tipperary, Ireland"
St. Berrihert's Kyle and Well. Tipperary, Ireland
The US is materialistcally rich and very religious but...
I see this everywhere
We can control our own destinies. There's a power greater than free will. Theurgic practice holds the secrets to unlocking fate and controlling the incarnation process.
Philosophy, Theology, and Magic: Gods and Forms in Iamblichus - This essay about divine Iamblichus is by one of my college professors. Even if you've gotten far in the theurgic scholarship, this review is sobering, though written some time ago.
Automatic paintings
Trump tells prayer breakfast he wants to root out 'anti-Christian bias' and urges 'bring God back'
BLEST Pæan, come, propitious to my pray'r,/Illustrious pow'r, whom Memphian tribes revere,/ Lycorian Phœbus, fruitful source of wealth./ Spermatic, golden-lyr'd, the field from thee/ Receives its constant, rich fertility./ Python-destroying, hallow'd, Delphian king...
Greatest Occult Movie?
Farmer discovers his entire crop stolen
Footage of snow falling on the Acropolis. The Parthenon stands beautifully in the wintery landscape.
Art by René Magritte
What's your favorite method of producing sigils? From Agrippa to Chaos Magic to Osman Spare, there are numerous ways to produce a sigil. If possible, explain the procedure. Note: the graphic is not a sigil, but an O'Keefe image. Could it be a sigil? Looks so to me. Can we use art to do this?
Why don't Jews scream we convert to their God the way Christians and Muslims do?
Was Aleister Crowley famous in mainstream society?
Alchemy in Flight by Laura Benson
First Test of the Initiate, Histoire de la Magie, 1870 - The way many see it/want ti to be