Why i feel like nobody talks about this peak manga. imo best romcom read i ever had
[What is the name of this manhwa?]
2020 Colette?
I can't believe the guys from Brawl Stars have a movie about them
Thanks to the bug
"Mortis can't beat us" ahh buzz team
Last Second Goal
Who stack Thunderbelt's passive the fastest?
why y'all people😂😂??
You can switch the hero in the Main Interface soon!
We got a MOVIE on theater. Kind of. And it BASED ON TRUE STORY
if yall ever get a gf, get one that is like this tigreal, always by your side
Blacklist International MPL Team is now signing off
Random WTF moment
[DISC] - The Undefeated Gambler. - Oneshot by @medatarou1
Greedycell at its finest
Hmmmmm.......I'm sure it doesn't mean anything 🤨
Why did Wind of Nature go into cooldown?
Mortis ultra instinct
From DJY's stream and discord, reviewing memes.
I don’t get it.
Reading Manga has caused me not to watch anime
it took me a while, but here it is: the first chess AI in GD!!! (114080411)
Found this really old video in my camera roll
I have only played with 1 hero this season. Guess which one based on the stats!👀