HE’S HALF MAN… HALF _______.
the legs are slightly moved forward a bit instead of being in place for some reason
What's your favourite ship? Or do you not have one? (Image related)
Why doesn’t Dusekkar just fly away from the map? Is he stupid?
These are the best monsters in forsaken
Which forsaken character do you relate to the most when it comes to their personality and lore?
what should i do? (i have no ideas of titles other than just ask what should i do, yeah)
One of my favorite themes next to Mafioso's theme.
I changed my Dad’s contact photo to Jason and it makes texts from him even more threatening
What's that one skin in the game that just yells "sweat"? (Image most absolutely related)
Forsaken devs giving every character skins
I prefer script builder doe and I think it's better than any other skin, convince me otherwise
Opinions on N______
Wtf is this
Whats the most annoying survivor to deal with when you play killer? (Again, image unrelated)
To the shipping gang of this community, can we all agree to not turn into Dandys world ships ?
im a fucking idiot
uhhhhr image unrelated uhhhhhhh whos the best character not your favorite the best
How to pronounce this guy
Demon King John Doe is trying to be serious, but fails in a funny way.
What's a good but underrated skin?
what's the most satisfying thing you can do in this game? (video related)
This is nice