Rooster Teeth be like
Rooster Teeth rn be like
2023 wrapped playlist disappeared
I set my birthday to today to see what the birthday gifts are like..
The Amiibos are REAL!
Am I the only one who prefers BZ's soundtrack to the original?
Patch Notes: June 25
Protest to Warner Bros.
overwatch 2 is garbage on nintendo switch
I fell into The Backrooms of Hogwarts
Found a place in Hogwarts Legacy on Switch, where the Open-World is still seamless
New wheel
In Hogwarts Legacy, what is your character’s backstory?
11/14 update content preview (new PVE, new clothes, new clue adventure, etc.
RIP to free Ruby and Clockturn Keys hoarding for F2P players
Not a good Sandwich - ASDF Movie 3
Key Updates - 07/25/2023
Y’all need to fucking stop
I really love our little white floaty and I wanna do more silly stuff with her
Server merger announce part 2
2/10 doesn't have Off the Hook songs from s2.
So I just saw this and... is the Plaza going to be silenced?
The Frustration is real...