Worth to get back into wow? And if so, what?
Shawn Ryan Show interview with Diana Pasulka introduced the idea that trans people are a sign of evil demonic influence and part of a spiritual warfare against humanity
I looked Sylvanas in the eye sockets and I told her straight out, "Watch your clever mouth..."
Aff locks reading the ptr patchnotes every week
Ok PC Players... How Are You Liking Rebirth?
Anyone know where this came from?
Vibes of Intimidation, Potential Grooming Tactics in DMs From Jake Barber
Mythic Plus Dungeons feel too difficult.
For people who hate PvP and play on a PvP server, what keeps you logging in everyday?
Jersey Drones FAA Authorized: why not tell DOD / CIA?
Anyone know what this is? (Myrtle Beach)
What is this over Raleigh
Any idea what this is? Anne Arundel County, Maryland
A substantial conversation about disclosure (retry)
Why are profanity filters in the game?
Speed set for druid
Meet The ‘Alien’ That Believes She Is Sent From Outer Space | This Morning
Trump is scared to disclose UAP according to Ross Coulthart
Remember I said I'll quit over bots? GG y'all, also yaarr
Secretly shot UFO documentary will drop the 'biggest discovery in human history'
Ross Coulthart saw a psionic summon a UFO at Esalen with Jake Barber
Is anyone playing Cata right now?
Prot Warriors and Ret Pallies are trolling raids and groups.
Salvatore Pais via Jesse Michels: "I think we will soon enough face a tremendous threat from outside (sic)...if we do not come together as a unified earth, we will not withstand what's coming"