Did I mess up on my dress?
New to the scene; Who wants young MILF feet pics?
Weird wall texture glitch!
Windows 10 gaming PC auto restarts unless I’m playing a game!
My boyfriend doesn’t post pictures of us but has of his exes
My wife is uninterested of having a short honeymoon
MIL and SIL are telling me the rules for me attend SIL baby shower.
Pissed as all hell
My soon to be ex spouse moved to Texas during our separation. How does this affect our divorce and custody?
My soon to be ex husband moved and left over $300 worth of unpaid bills that were in my name. What do I do?
Why do I believe I’m a terrible person after I make a mistake?
What’s the reason for your divorce?
How do I (22f) get over thinking about how many women my boyfriend (32m) has been with?
Trying to get my hair back to its natural color and healthier! I need major tips!!
I just threatened divorce...
My ex is trying to keep me from seeing my child because I live with my new partner
I think I'm pregnant on my IUD, but I keep getting negatives!
I feel like I met my soulmate while in my unhappy marriage
My favourite colour I’ve done is by far yellow, what’s yours??
What’s the last thing divorce related you cried about?
Have you ever divorced because of lack of romance or effort?
Lacking romance in our relationship, am I asking too much or being unrealistic? F20 & M20
Which toner should I use?
What level hair color is this?
Stuck on what to do next for this brass..