Can we PLEASE buff legendary star drops?
But hey, that's just a theory, a brawl theory!
1000 trophy box
Guys rank 35 Doug!!!
Chat rate my fit? Am i ready for the huzz?
does this fit?
Got the survey, and when asked for feedback, I told them to go here.
[18F] Sick in bed and need people to yap at. I’m massive no life gamer, I do MMA and am Kanye’s #1 glazer
Jak go obronisz?
I just got his title a few weeks ago, what titles do you guys have?
Brawl stars dads/uncles tier list
Balance changes are coming! Who do you want to nerf and who to buff and how!
why isnt this working ?
Ok no limit comment to join a tierlist
Is anyone else having THIS bad of a PowerPoint shortage?? (I’m a F2P so I don’t plan on spending money to buy them)
I am working in a brawler concept... I need help
Budzisz się w 1984 roku - CO MÓWISZ?
Ej kolegowie bo ja sie urodze jutro i czy macie jakies porady?
Already outjerked
At least 90% of all Pam mains in a nutshell
I think Darryl carried
Reminder to get your free present for lunar new year and gems at store supercell
Am I accepted?
Tierlist based on how evil the brawlers are (lmk if I did anything wrong)
Is it worth investing into Meg , if yes which sp gadget and gear