Bought the game 3 times should I go for 4?
Bouncing Combat Axes in BO6 is satisfying but could be better.
You have 5 years to make your dream movie
When you finally have a good match and it’s time for your punishment
[COD] When sbmm catches you not going negative
You can either take $100,000,000 tax free for yourself or you can sacrifice half of your net worth to end poverty and world hunger
You get $1 for every calorie you consume in a 100 day span, what’s your plan?
Gamblers of Reddit does your partner have any idea how much $$$ you really gamble?
saw him begging in the comments in this sub and checked his profile.. posting ur link in a gambling addiction sub is so grimy 💀
lucky win on dice as soon as I started
do yall think 121 million GC can even put a dent in trying to level up to plat IV?
They actually have the Las Vegas Sphere reacting to golfers.
What do casinos do to prevent card counting? Are there any systems in place besides just winning a lot of money that make them think or believe you’re card counting?
[image] I’ve been having some issues with self doubt so I decided to write myself reminders to try to stay motivated
777 Blackjack Progressive - $277,000
Better with sound
Dice coming in clutch again. Hit the first one in less than 10 tries. Gave about $100 back trying for more and then stopped.
Enhanced RTP lol k
Slots question
My favorite game (bonus buys)
This sub is full of a bunch of entitled losers
Got down to my last $20 hit all of these on dice in under 10 minutes
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