what song is ur LDR “deep cut?”
I cant find a discussion similar to this so here we go again... What Lyric Moves You The Most?
Got Bored and Ranked Each Song Is This Valid Or No
What Lana Lyric Moves You The Most?
wtf was won me over
What Lana song is my dog
Most important things to know about Lana Del Rey?
Why is she randomly opening/eating a Camembert in the Arcadia mv? 😂
how old are Lana's fans?
Taylor Swift Super Bowl
which lana del rey song got you like this when you first heard it?
Lana Mood Boards!
You have $10, what albums are you buying?
Is this price reasonable for a Lizzy Grant vinyl?
i think i have the most absurd retail story that even i can’t believe it
her inability to give a fuck will forever be iconic
Let’s make the Ultimate Lana Del Rey Album (Day 3)
What’s your unskipable song?
Which Lana song is this for you?
Song Babies
Say what's your favorite radiohead song but only in emojis
Favourite Lust For Life Songs?
What are some songs you feel are criminally underrated?
Lana saddest songs
What's your favourite lyric from a Lana Del Rey song and why?