PK annoying you? Bro just ignore them what are they gonna do? Bash you?
Really hope we see some For Honor rewards in this game
Me 5 minutes into Black Prior propaganda
Rep 90 Conqueror
Throw away Conqueror and play the REAL heavy of the Knight faction. (BP propaganda)
This is the BEST battlepass execution we've gotten (so far).
what.. happened?
Warmonger's Bluetooth Corruption
The Orochi Grind Returns and I'm all for it!
Pirate's nerf actually removed some brains too.
when tf did we all start caring about conq not having a roll catcher?
Imagine being afraid of Conqueror
I'm just another fraud...
Conqueror still not having a roll catcher is actually insane.
Most dangerous opponent in the 2v2v2 mode
Name a worse feeling than seeing the horde spawn on the 7th day even thought the game warns you plenty
Experimenting with a 3rd team is the best thing the devs have done in a long time.
Bro thought i was playing conq
BP is the savior of Conq players.
Give Conqueror a roll catcher already 🤦♂️ (Sweet revenge on some clowns)
Bro pulled the Spanish out of me 😮💨
So, what quickly wrecks yours steel reserves fastest?
Useless Fact 49: Black Prior is the most self centered hero in FH.