Where on the RDR2 map would you most want to live
What place/ part of the map do you absolutely HATE visiting?
Favorite Dual wielding Combo? I’ll go first.
So, whats one thing that makes you go "wtf" in this game?
Just trying to enjoy some RDRO…
Can we ban "just bought the game, any tips?" posts already?
Anyone else feel bad for the valet?
What’s your favorite “line” from Lawmen when you’re fighting them?
How many hours
Seriously… feed your horse!
What role is your absolute favorite?
This is how Sony rewards its employees.
What’s your favorite town to chill in?
Collectors Wanted
Free Roam PVP is a waste of money and time
What makes you want to kill an NPC?
Most Dangerous Towns/Citys
She was resisting arrest
Jealous husband
Which game blew you away with it's visuals?
Is it toxic to bounty hunt other players?
Does anyone else feel like the Bounty hunter outfits (and some others) look ridiculous and don’t fit the game at all?
I can't understand why people don't parley
I adore a thunderstorm in the Heartlands. What's your favorite weather effect?
Should I start playing?