My petty revenge against downstairs neighbours
AIO coworker says the n word
(Serious) What's the most random sexual encounter you've had?
[SERIOUS] Be honest, are you faithful? Why or why not?
AIO my fiance spent 600 on gacha
Guys, you're not gonna be possessed by a haunted doll
Dejtar en kvinna som tjänar dubbelt så mycket som jag, någon som har erfarenhet?
What is one of your pet peeves?
What youtubers old videos make you sad because of what happened to the person?
What’s one “type” you’ll never date again?
Finally met someone who also doesn't want kids
Någon annan som boycottar USA/Trump?
AITA for arguing with my boyfriend after he used our saving on a PS5?
Seeking advice - letting agent saying they will let themselves in without my permission
What’s a tv show from your childhood you swear nobody else watched?
F34 here, Bf 34M of 6 months says his ex gave him condoms as a gift
Does anybody actually feed into the scam anymore?
Kan vi bestämma oss över vad som räknas som Svensk?
What movie is 10/10, yet hardly anyone has heard of it?
Millennials, what's y'all plan for retirement?
(Serious) What incident on reddit became news headlines?
What is the funniest/infamous video game glitch of all time?
Tired of men thinking this is a hate subreddit
What is mainstream horror to you?