When do you post your story?
How to get rid of writing Block?
Does the game work now? (PS4)
Sarcasm is very prominent in this game
"Not everyone can be a Samurai." "But we're all Killers." - Sensei Ishikawa & Jin Sakai
How did the campaign get affected this bad?
"I trained you to fight with honor" "Honor died on the beach!" - Lord Shimura & Jin Sakai
I thought I would never have this much fun taking pictures in a game
Big brain time
Amazon pushing their lies into innocent twitter users!
Capturing plasma in a syringe
You feel me
Oh no — looks like my son is brainwashed
Whole world owes you your peace.
It was a good run
f for our fallen soldier
Finally got Uzumaki. Been wanting to read this for ages.
F's in the chat.